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Are you ready to take the next step in your faith journey? Confirmation is a big moment, and Lakeshore is the perfect place to make it even more meaningful!

At our Confirmation Retreat, young Christians from multiple churches will come together for a fun and inspiring weekend of learning, worship, and fellowship. You’ll make new friends, grow in your faith, and discover the rich heritage of what it means to be United Methodist. We’ll dive into powerful topics like Grace, sacraments, the history of the church, Wesley’s Quadrilateral, and his three simple rules for living faithfully.

This retreat is all about strengthening your connection with God, your church family, and the wider community of believers. We can’t wait to see you there for a weekend filled with faith, friendship, and unforgettable experiences!


March 28, 2025 @ 7:00 pm
March 30, 2025 @ 12:00 pm

Conference Office

1908 Grand Avenue
Nashville, TN 37212
Tel. 615-329-1177

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