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Are you ready to make a difference and have one of the best experiences at Lakeshore? Our Counselor Training Retreat is designed to equip you with the essential skills to become an amazing camp counselor. From leading songs and games to mastering public speaking, time management, group leadership, and much more, this retreat prepares you for the rewarding role of guiding and inspiring campers.

If you’re 15 or older and want to be a counselor at Lakeshore, attending one of these training sessions is required—choose the date that fits your schedule! Don’t miss this chance to grow as a leader, build lasting friendships, and be a part of something truly special.


March 28, 2025 @ 7:00 pm
March 30, 2025 @ 3:00 pm

Conference Office

1908 Grand Avenue
Nashville, TN 37212
Tel. 615-329-1177

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