June 2023

Clergy are asked to wear albs or white robes (or other attire appropriate to the occasion) for this service. Please go to the designated room at 6:00 p.m. for robing.

Robing Locations are as follows (please do not leave valuables in the room):

  • Those to be ordained, commissioned, licensed in the “green room” #201 (Photo of each group in that room at 6:00)
  • Board of Ministry members in Ballroom D
  • Clergy will robe downstairs in room 105/106

From downstairs, the clergy will be led up the BACK stairs/escalator to the River View Lobby to line up at 6:40 and wait for the leadership to walk out and meet them to enter the ballroom.

March 2023


The 2023 session of the Tennessee-Western Kentucky Annual Conference is fast approaching!  It’ll be a blessing and privilege to celebrate the ministry God’s accomplished through us in the last year, and to look ahead to the possibilities our Maker’s unfolding before us as we seek to be messengers of the Gospel wherever we are.

Part of our celebration is our Service of Licensing, Commissioning, & Ordination on June 20 at 7 PM.  Always a pinnacle of our shared life and work, we’re grateful for the opportunity to recognize and give thanks for the siblings in Christ who are offering their “yes” to God’s leading.  


The reaffirmation of our baptismal covenant is an integral component of the service, as it gives us opportunity to express gratitude for being received as God’s own and being gifted with a call to serve.  This year, as last year, we’re adding a layer to this reaffirmation by how we present ourselves in that service.

As such we request that all clergy (including candidates) who participate in any way in the Service of Licensing, Commissioning, & Ordination wear a white or off-white alb.  This piece of attire is modeled after a first-century tunic with which people were dressed after baptism, and remains a symbol of the sacrament to this day.  The alb therefore reminds us that we’re united primarily by our identity as those who are beloved of God.

Recognizing that perhaps not everyone who wishes to participate owns an alb, conference leadership welcomes you to wear what attire you have that’s appropriate to the occasion.  


If however you wish to procure an alb, you might seek to borrow from a colleague.  Jason Jones at Springfield First UMC and Dean Emerson at Bartlett UMC both have albs that can be used.


Moreover there are reasonably-priced options that you can peruse, including those found at:







Ordained clergy who are participating in this service should also wear a red stole indicative of their order.


Vesting for this service will begin at 6:15 PM, in spaces designated in the final Annual Conference schedule.  Bishops and district superintendents will have their own spaces behind the ballroom.  All clergy who are participating must be dressed and ready to line up by 6:45 PM.  Any questions may be directed to Rev. Jason W. Jones at jason.jones@springfieldfumc.org.

We look forward to celebrating this evening and worshiping our God together!

Conference Office

1908 Grand Avenue
Nashville, TN 37212
Tel. 615-329-1177

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