Name: Michael Lorance
Current Church Membership: Centertown UMC
District: Caney Fork River
Why do you feel called to be a delegate to the 2020 General/Jurisdictional Conferences?
In 40 plus years of business, “level heads always prevail” has been a guiding principle. If ever there was a time when we need a “level heads always prevail” attitude, that time is now. I, prayerfully, offer a level headed approach while seeking solutions to our conflicts.
Nominee’s vision for the United Methodist Church.
That we exit these times stronger and more determined than ever as a denomination to offer Christ to a hurting world one neighborhood at a time.
Nominee’s leadership and commitments with the local church, district, annual, jurisdictional, and General conference levels from 2016-2019.
Centertown UMC finance committee chair and church lay leader, Caney Fork River district lay leader, Conference Board of Laity, Encore Ministry board of directors, Certified lay servant/speaker