Name: Paul C Wennermark

Current Church Membership: Fairfield Glade United Methodist Church

District: Caney Fork River

Why do you feel called to be a delegate to the 2020 General/Jurisdictional Conferences?

My life-long roots in Christian service are deep and long:

* Higher education – served as Adjunct Professor at William Woods Univ (MO), lectured in secondary schools and 3 universities at Volgograd, Russia; BA degree from Ohio Wesleyan Univ and MBA degree from Louisiana State Univ; studied at Kent State Univ, San Marcos Univ (Peru), Wayne State Univ, Ohio State Univ.

* Christian education – Sunday school teacher (38 years); studied Methodism & Its Roots under Dr Lovett Weals Jr (KS School of Theology).

* A passion for mission, short-term VIM team member & leader 40+ VIM trips (TN, KY, NC, LA, MO, MS, Mex, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Peru, Latvia, Russia) over past 20 years.

Nominee’s vision for the United Methodist Church.

* An overview vision for the UMC is that the people known as Methodists, should be a nurturing sanctuary for all persons.  Concentrate on love, healing not only the structural fissures seen in the church body, but in each member’s heart in accordance with the scripture properly understood as the primary guideline.

* A specific vision for the UMC at 2020 General Conference and going forward is: to support the traditional church structure as committed to in the just completed 2019 General Special General Conference.  Further I would maintain an open heart and mind to listen to all reasonable petitions debated and confirmed as within the UMC Constitution.

Nominee’s leadership and commitments with the local church, district, annual, jurisdictional, and General conference levels from 2016-2019.

I have a long and wide breadth of service at all levels of the UM local church, district and annual conference:

* From 2016-2019: 1) local church – Lay voting member to Annual Conf, Council of Stewards, Finance Committee, SPRC Committee, Servant Ministry Committee, UMM, VIM Team Leader, Sunday school teacher: 2) annual conference – Lay Voting Member