Vincent Harding, a civil rights leader and one of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s speechwriters, championed the idea that we can become “live human signposts” of love and justice. Inspired by this vision, Autura Eason-Williams, deeply rooted in the United Methodist Church, partnered with Larry Chitwood to launch “Signposts” within the Tennessee-Western Kentucky Annual Conference. Their aim was to cultivate leaders and congregations dedicated to anti-racism, promoting a world of diversity, equity, and justice.

Signposts is a mission to build a beloved community.  Along with upcoming civil rights pilgrimages and retreats focused on anti-racism, we’ve developed 12 to 15 week curriculum to help us begin, or go deeper, on this sacred journey.

In small groups, typically 6-8 persons, participants engage in personal reflection on the scriptures and exploration of themes of white supremacy, racism and oppression. We work toward what Jemar Tisby calls the A.R.C. of racial justice – i.e., AWARENESS, RELATIONSHIPS AND COMMITMENT.

Go to our website and sign up to join as a participant, host or instructor: