The TWK Creation Care Ministry invites you to participate in upcoming activities this spring that will focus on working for a healthy Earth for our children and all future generations. These activities will take place during a ten-day period from April 22 – May 1 under the theme of “Sacred Trust: Our Children’s Right to a Livable Future.”
The Creation Care Ministry of the Tennessee-Western Kentucky Conference is joining in with Tennessee Interfaith Power & Light (TIPL) – the organization sponsoring these activities. As you may know, TIPL brings together many diverse communities of faith across Tennessee to care for creation from a religious perspective with a special focus on climate change. TIPL is the state chapter of the national Interfaith Power & Light organization that is coordinating this spring event called Faith Climate Action Week.
There are many ways that both congregations and individuals can lift up this theme of working for a livable planet for our children. Here are some of them:
- Download a free Faith Climate Action Week kit which has many ideas and resources for action and worship that can be done at your congregation. Here is the LINK to download a free copy of the kit.
- Include the theme of protecting future generations in a worship service during that April 22 – May 1 time frame. This could be a litany, a prayer, music, sermon, etc. (Again, the kit will have many good ideas for this.)
- Join in one of the two Interfaith Earth Care Celebrations being organized by TIPL (more details will be shared as they are put in place):
o Saturday, April 30, 3:00 p.m. at the Downtown Commons in Clarksville
o Sunday, May 1, 3:00 p.m. at St. Henry Catholic Church in Nashville
- Sponsor a group viewing/discussion of Youth v Gov. This is a powerful film that presents the story of a group of young people fighting to secure their constitutionally protected rights to a safe climate through the federal court system. Creation Care recommends this for senior high youth, college-age young adults, and other adults. The free film is available for group viewings only from April 11 – May 1 and is an hour and fifty minutes long. One suggestion is to set aside a weekend afternoon for viewing this film and having a conversation afterwards. IPL will provide the link and a discussion guide. You can sign up HERE to be notified when registration is available. There will also be a webinar with the filmmaker on Wednesday, April 27 at 6:30 p.m. Registration for the webinar has not opened yet. A link will be sent when it is.
- Promote a Tennessee Interfaith Power & Light webinar: “Climate Change and Children’s Health”, Tuesday, April 26, 1:00 – 2:00 p.m. The webinar will feature presentations from Carol Ziegler with the Vanderbilt School of Nursing and Vanessa Lynch with Moms Clean Air Force, an organization which advocates for strong governmental action for clean air, including addressing climate change. Creation Care will send out registration information closer to the date.
TWK Creation Care hopes that you will seriously consider engaging with this opportunity to lift up this very important call upon people of faith to work for a livable future for our children.