West End UMC, in collaboration with Candler School of Theology, brings the exciting speaker series, TheoEd, to Nashville’s historic Woolworth Theater on February 23 at 4:30 p.m. TheoEd seeks to do for the Bible, theology, and spirituality what the popular TED series has done for technology, entertainment, and design. TheoEd aims to bring together leading thinkers in the church and the academy to give the talk of their lives in 20 minutes or less.
Nashville speakers include artist Lanecia Rouse, the “enneagram godmother” Suzanne Stabile, pastor and author Josh Scott, writer of Bible Stories for Grownups, and jazz musician/theologian Julian Davis Reid, who will also be preaching that morning at West End UMC at both 8:45 and 11 a.m. services.
Past speakers include Brian McLaren, Otis Moss III, Cole Arthur Riley, Amy-Jill Levine, Austin Channing Brown, Pete Enns, Shane Claiborne, Yolanda Pierce, Jonathan Merritt, Diana Butler Bass, and more. To get a sense of what TheoEd talks look like or to experience the power of some of these incredible talks, go to TheoEd.com. There you can also find discussion guides for each talk designed to help you use TheoEd as a type of curriculum for small groups, Bible studies, or Sunday School classes.
Candler friends and alumni family – Join us for an exclusive Candler Alumni and Friends Mixer the afternoon before TheoEd Talks Nashville! This is your chance to connect with fellow alums, engage with key members of the Candler Advancement and Alumni Engagement team, and hear inspiring words from Dean Jonathan Strom. Don’t miss this special opportunity to deepen your Candler connections. Location details will be shared upon confirmation of your attendance. Register here