2024 Christmas Shoebox Project!
Looks like we are having a great response to this project! There is still time to participate! All boxes have been distributed BUT project director, Mrs. Beverlyann Jetton recently shared that if you don't have a box, just gather the items using the instruction sheet and put in a bag. When folks turn in their completed boxes, there are usually some unused boxes returned and Beverlyann will fill them using the bagged items.
The District office at 1382 W. Church St., Alamo is a drop off point or completed boxes may be taken directly to Forest Heights in Jackson. Please call before coming to the District office so that we don't miss you! 731-696-4117 or 731-694-4654 (cell)
Christmas in July?? YESS!!!
Once again it is time for our UNITED METHODIST Christmas shoebox project. These boxes will be headed for Central America and the Caribbean where excited children are waiting. Recently, over 13,000 boxes were distributed in 9 different countries: Panama, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Haiti, Ecuador, and Mexico. Last year churches in the western portion of our conference prepared over 1,000 shoe boxes.
Here is some information on the United Methodist Christmas Shoe Box project. The concept is similar to the Samaritan Purse but there are key differences:
1. Our boxes are much smaller. This is an effort to contain shipping costs.
2. Our shipping costs will remain at $6/box again this year
3. Our boxes are sent to Central America and the Caribbean - again, to help control shipping costs.
4. We have a very specific list of items to be included. This is to help get the boxes through customs and to ensure that each child receives equal amounts.
5.The United Methodist Shoebox Project operates in areas where Samaritan Purse does not have a presence. This avoids duplication of effort.
Forest Heights UMC in Jackson, TN will again serve as the collection hub for shoeboxes for the western portion of our conference. Supplies have arrived at Forest Heights and can be picked up Monday - Thursday 9 AM - 1 pm.
This is an easy and fun project. Churches can design their own project: Have a Christmas party in July, let your children decorate the outside of the shoeboxes, Members can fill their own boxes or it can be a group project.
Shoeboxes are due back at Forest Heights by Aug 1st. Please close your boxes with a rubber band. Since we had difficulty with customs in several countries, each box will need to be opened and inspected at Forest Heights before being packed for shipment. (Prizes are awarded to the church who gets everything right!!! LOL)
Please call, text, or email me if you have any questions (Beverlyann Jetton 731-431-0165) - but most of all, enjoy this project. I have added the 2019 PowerPoint - it has a good introduction to the project. You are welcome to pull pictures off the PowerPoint to promote your project.
2024 Instructions Christmas Shoebox Project