United Methodist Volunteers in Mission (UMVIM) is a grassroots network of congregations building relationships through sharing together in missions work.
An UMVIM volunteer is any person, lay or clergy, young or old, who engages in outreach through a United Methodist congregation in service with their neighbors near and far. As Volunteers in Mission we live out our faith by serving on short-term projects to create long-term community relationships.
The UMVIM network offers guidance, organization, and training for those who give of their time and talents to minister to the wide variety of needs facing our world.
Sites where VIM Teams from the Tennessee-Western Kentucky Annual Conference are serving:
TWK International Sites:Bahamas, Costa Rica, Cuba, Czech Republic, Ecuador, Estonia, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, India, Jamaica, Latvia, Lebanon, Malawi, Mexico, Nicaragua, Saipan, South Africa, Tanzania, Thailand, US Virgin Islands, Uganda
US Sites: Sager Brown UMCOR Depot, Red Bird Mission, Appalachian Service Project