Has your congregation been impacted by disaffiliation conversations, votes, or other actions?

Is your congregation ready to take steps toward healing by following the ways the Holy Spirit is at work in your midst?

There are leaders, resources, and relationships in our connection that are ready to help congregations and their leaders take these steps.

The bishop has designated a team of people to connect congregations with resources and relationships. The purpose of the Stay UMC Response Team is to walk alongside congregations and their leaders as they transform in a new context resulting from disaffiliation conversations, votes, and actions. This team will listen and help congregational leaders discern current emotional, spiritual, strategic, and financial needs. At the 2023 annual conference, the TWK voted to designate $3 million to assist congregations in need of financial support as a result of this new context. The Stay UMC Response Team is charged with stewarding those reserves.

To engage support, please use the documents below to begin the process. You may also reach out to a member of the Stay UMC Response Team: