Tornado Response | December 2023

Thousands of people were impacted by the tornadoes that devastated several communities in our episcopal area on December 9. We mourn the individuals who died and pray for their families and friends.

Monetary donations made to TWK Disaster Response enable our team to quickly procure what is needed to respond to the needs of survivors in our area. This support will impact these communities for years to come in their recovery efforts.


Online: Donate to Disaster Response Fund

Mail: Checks can be made out and mailed to the Tennessee-Western Kentucky Conference at PO Box 440132, Nashville, TN 37244  (please note Disaster Response in the memo line)


Give to Assist with U.S. Disaster Response through UMCOR

Donations to help those affected by recent storms outside of our episcopal area can be sent online to UMCOR.

(If sending a check, write in the affected area on the memo line)
UMCOR (US Advance #901670), 458 Ponce De Leon Ave, NE,  Atlanta, GA 30308