TWKUMC Connectional Table

The strategic leadership team for the Tennessee-Western Kentucky Conference is the TWK Connectional Table.

The membership and structure for this team was adopted by both the Memphis and Tennessee annual conferences in preparation for the launch of the new conference.

This team stewards the mission, vision, and values (found on the About Us webpage) for the Tennessee-Western Kentucky Conference.

TWK organizational diagram

Bishop David Graves , Team Leader

Strategy Team Leaders:

Leslie Hotzfeld: Administrative

H.G. Stovall: Communications

Rev. Carlisle Jones: Connect

Rev. Toi King: Discover/Send

Bethany Huffman: Equip

Rev. Joy Weathersbee
Episcopacy Committee Representative

Janice McCallen
Conference Lay Leader

Rev. Pat Freudenthal
Dean of the Cabinet

Josh Shaw
General Conference Delegation Representative

Rev. Jefferson Furtado
Board of Ministry Representative

Staff Leadership

Rev. Dr. Vona Wilson
Assistant to the Bishop

Rev. Melinda Britt
Connectional Ministries Officer

Mark Hagewood
Administrative Services Director

Amy Hurd, APR
Director of Communications

Courtney Lawson
Ministry Associate