“BY FAITH…” a Memphis Conference history video, debuted as part of our virtual annual conference session. The dramatization offers a glimpse at 200 years of history during our 182nd and final Annual Conference virtual gathering. Jacob Taylor of St. Luke’s UMC in Memphis and volunteer producer Mark Matheny created the video.
A beautiful Commemorative Quilt, depicting historical ministries of the Memphis Conference and the Tennessee Conference, once divided but now united by the Tennessee River was gifted to the conference in 2021.
“Threads of Faith Ministry” of Temple UMC in Millington, Tennessee, made the quilt for the Future Tennessee-Western Kentucky Conference.
Description of QuiltTENNESSEE
During the 2021 Tennessee Annual Conference held online in June, a series of videos were shared to celebrate the history of the conference.
These videos were developed by Gratia Strother, conference archivist, and produced by GNTV. Photography of artifacts was done by Kylie Marino.
Watch the video series below.