As we celebrate Black History Month, the rich history, and achievements of African Americans, may we remember our call to dismantle racism and anti-blackness. Here are resources you and your congregation may find helpful in becoming bridge builders for your communities. 


The story behind Black History Month and why it’s celebrated in February:



“I’m Black, I’m Christian, I’m Methodist” Rudy Rasmus

“Reading While Black” by Esau McCaulley

“Embracing the New Samaria” by Alejandro Mandes

“The Next Evangelicalism” by Soong-Chan Rah

“Beyond Racial Gridlock” by George Yancey

“Fault Lines” by Voddie T. Baucham Jr.

“Rediscipling the White Church” by David W. Swanson

“White as Sin” by Scott Garber Yancey

“Roadmap to Reconciliation” by Brenda Salter McNeil

“Just Mercy” by Bryan Stevenson

“White Awake” by Daniel Hill

“White Too Long” by Robert P. Jones

“Generous Justice” by Timothy Keller

“The Third Option” by Miles McPherson


GCORR, 29 Ways You Can Participate in Black History Month


Lenten Resources


Group Studies

Psalms for Black Lives: Reflections for the Work of Liberation, Gabby Cudjoe-Wilkes, Andrew Wilkes

Psalms for Black Lives includes thirty devotions, each containing a psalm, a reflection, and an invitation for the reader to develop a justice imagination through further engagement with the text. Psalms for Black Lives also includes daily discussion questions to support small-group study and a guide for congregational and community groups who want to embody the words of the Psalms together.


Plenty Good Room: A Lenten Bible Study Based on African American Spirituals, Marilyn E. Thornton, Lewis V. Baldwin

This unique short-term Bible study combines an in-depth look at Scripture, American history, and the music and lyrics of six African American spirituals. The six-session study provides biblical, social, and historical analyses of the spirituals: ‘Ev’ry Time I Feel the Spirit,” “This Lonesome Valley,” “Bow Down on Your Knees,” “Plenty Good Room,” “Ain’t Dat Good News,” and “Were You There?” 


Faithful Lent: Connecting the Practices of Lent and Anti-Racism

The purpose of this study is to make explicit connections between the traditions of Lent and the work of anti-racism without forcing either one to be what they are not. This study has been created with the faith-filled assumption that when we take seriously our Lenten traditions and what is necessary for the work of anti-racism, we find the two complement each other, not compete. Thus, what results is anti-racism work which emerges faithfully from engaging in authentic and tradition-based Lenten practices. Much of this study is organized along with worship-based categories such as scripture reading, scripture reflection, and prayer.



Anti-Racism 101: Required Skills for White People Who Want to be Allies


You Are Here: First Steps for White Christians on Race and Racism


Rev. Dr. Erin Beasley

Chair, TWK Commission on Religion and Race