The following is a statement issued by the chair of the TWK CORR team, the Rev. Dr. Erin Beasley.
On May 25th, 2020, we watched in horror as George Floyd was murdered on camera. His murder, along with several recent murders of African Americans, sparked an international outcry for racial justice and reconciliation. For the first time, many congregations shared elaborate responses regarding their commitment to dismantle racism against African Americans. If you were one of those congregations, I must ask you, how have you spent the last two years fulfilling your commitment? As a part of our baptismal covenant, we vowed to renounce the forces of wickedness in this world. This is both a personal and communal commitment that extends beyond word and sentiment.
As we reflect on the anniversary of George Floyd’s murder, we grieve for our brothers and sisters in Buffalo who were murdered recently by a white supremacist. We encourage your congregation to pray continuously for wisdom to become a source of healing and justice for a world ailing by the sin of racism. The General Commission on Religion and Race offers a multitude of resources that your congregation may find helpful as you seek to dismantle racism in your community. We encourage you to participate in their Racial Justice Prayer and Action Challenge which will begin on June 19th. You can find more information about the challenge by following this link.
For those who plan to participate in this challenge, we’d love for you to share your experiences with us at TWK’s Commission on Religion and Race is praying fervently for our conference and other faith communities around the nation who are striving to become the Beloved Community.
May God’s strength and peace be with you always,
Rev. Dr. Erin Beasley, Chair
Commission on Religion and Race
Tennessee Western Kentucky Conference