The past couple of years have been hard for so many of our conferences, what with the global pandemic, infighting, and disaffiliations. We’ve noticed that the Tennessee-Western Kentucky Conference has been particularly sensitive to people whose churches have disaffiliated or are disaffiliating. And we want to help you and all those who wish to #BeUMC! Whether there are faithful people in the Tennessee-Western Kentucky Conference who are beginning again, continuing their journey after a season of disorientation, grief, and loss, or just want to strengthen their commitment to our tradition, Amplify Media (a streaming resource from Cokesbury) is offering free resources for you and all continuing United Methodists at
Here, you’ll get free access to all of the video sessions in Three Simple Rules, Five Marks of a Methodist, and Five Means of Grace as well as free (and downloadable) access to the leader guides for each study! Furthermore, if you have Conference, District, or local leaders who are working to connect, resource, and study with those who wish to remain United Methodist, you will find a free downloadable media toolkit that includes graphics, emails templates, and sample social media posts to help them in their work!
We hope that you’ll share the news about these resources widely, provide links in the appropriate places on your websites, newsletters, social media outlets and groups, and other Conference communications. We hope that they will be particularly useful for The Vine Initiative, too!
We’re so happy that we can offer these resources and hope that they will help you in your work to #BeUMC. I would love to talk with you further about these materials. So, if you have any questions, comments, or concerns please reach out! You can find all my contact information below, and I’ll look forward to hearing from you!
Our sincere thanks to you and all of the people in the Tennessee-Western Kentucky Conference for the work you do for the people called Methodists.