Episode Two Guests
Brady Banks
Brady Banks is the founder of Turnaround Collective where he creates adventurous spaces and opportunities where young adults—and those young at heart— can experience pilgrimage, explore meaning-making and vocation, and discover a practical Christian spirituality. He's a graduate of Mercer University and Harvard Divinity School. He's currently completing his Doctor of Ministry at Pacific School of Religion at the Graduate Theological Union at Berkeley. He's the partner of Rev. Kristin Clark-Banks at Forest Hills United Methodist Church and father of Thaddeus.
Rachel Hagewood
Rachel Britt Hagewood is a Senior Developmental Editor at The Upper Room. Her professional career has included editing at The United Methodist Publishing House, working in church communications, and teaching English at the middle school and collegiate levels. Rachel holds degrees from Martin Methodist College (now University of Tennessee Southern) in Christian Education and English. A lifelong United Methodist and preacher's kid, Rachel is active at all levels of the UMC. She is a certified lay minister, chair of Equitable Compensation for the TWK Conference, and serves on the TWK delegation to Jurisdictional and General Conference. She is also a member of the board for Launch Pad, a Nashville nonprofit supporting young adults experiencing homelessness. When she’s not wielding a purple pen to a manuscript, she loves to listen to musical theatre soundtracks; create art that may or may not one day exist outside her brain; and take her spouse, Mark, and their two kids, Luke and Ben, to Disney World.
William Parker
As the Senior Director of Program Operations and Impact at Project Transformation Tennessee, William, a native New Yorker fueled by the transformative power of relationships; connects children, young adults, and churches to bring about positive change in communities. With a master’s degree in Youth Ministry from Memphis Theological Seminary, he adeptly forges connections between generations and institutions, empowering them to collaborate and contribute to the ongoing ways God is active in our world. Aside from being a nonprofit professional, William has launched ZylaBooks, a bookkeeping firm dedicated to working with social impact businesses and organizations to align their finances with their missional impact. He remains deeply connected to the United Methodist Church and its mission to transform the world.