The reason the conference shifted to assigning TWK email addresses to clergy is to ease keeping up with them in our itinerant system. That said, not all people who preach are provided with email addresses (see below).
Lay leaders (who frequently change) are not provided with conference addresses. PAID conference staff only have addresses while employed.
Below is how email addresses were distributed.
Ordained clergy (elders and deacons) and associate members should have access to conference email addresses. Both active and retired for the Ordained and associate groups.
Deaconesses and home missioners should also have access to conference email addresses.
Active local pastors can have access to conference emails—only when under appointment.
Laity will not have access to conference email addresses – except for paid staff during the period when they are employed by the conference.
Retired local pastors are lay members and should not have conference email addresses.
Laity in leadership do not have TWK email addresses.