Staying in the UMC | Mary Bailey

The United Methodist Church represents in my life: home, love, compassion, and community. My favorite biblical verse that was taught to me by my grandfather, Reverend Dr. William P. Bailey, …

Staying in the UMC | William K. Bailey

Psalm 59:10 says, “My God in his steadfast love will meet me” (NRSV).  An anonymous writer had written in the margin of a Bible next to 59:10, their paraphrase of …

Staying in the UMC | Michael Lorance

When I was about six years old (1954), I received a two-dollar bill and a picture of Jesus for having good attendance in Sunday School at Centertown Methodist Church.  I …

Staying in the UMC | Holly Neal

I am choosing to stay United Methodist for several reasons: Members and congregations can exist with differences – reasonable people can disagree and my faith grows as we share our …

Staying in the UMC | Janice Myers

My pastor challenged me to answer this question. To begin, I was sent to the United Methodist Church when I was a young girl; the church had a large attendance …

Staying in the UMC | Bobby Gobble

The UMC allows me to be who God wants me to be. The UMC supports love and helps spread God’s love. In the UMC, I feel accepted, loved, and supported. …

Staying in the UMC | Ed Montgomery

I am staying because the United Methodist loves everyone, without exception. I know that God loves everyone without exception. I know that we are striving to build the Kingdom of …

Staying in the UMC | Donna Parramore

My faith story begins when my family left what was then known as the Methodist Church. The Sunday after I was baptized, ushers asked my father to help them prevent …

Staying in the UMC | Luke Lea

The United Methodist connection relies on a humble confession that we need one another. I’m staying within this movement because we emphasize the bond between the Table and the neighborhood, …