Chair of Health & Wellness Initiatives: Rev. Marie King (
As a conference, we are prioritizing clergy health and wellness. Please be encouraged to take intentional steps toward your heath and well-being in 2022. The TWK Conference has access to many parallels paths that lead to clergy health and well-being. Now is the time to plan! Are you willing to take 2 steps in the first 12 days of 2022?
Step 1:
Take a personal step toward your health and well-being. Choose to make this a priority in 2022. We are made in the image of our Creator. Every part of you is important or God would not have created us in this way. We are truly masterpieces of God’s creativity. We honor God when we take care of ourselves. Ultimately the way we love God and ourselves impacts the way we love others.
Step 2:
Encourage a friend and colleague to engage in something you found helpful for your health and well-being. Send them a link to a resource you’ve used and tell them what a difference it made in your life. Encourage one another to take steps this year.
There are multiple paths for emotional health and well-being for clergy and lay leaders. From 1:1 coaching, to workshops, cohorts, retreats and free online resources, you are able to access resources and take steps. If you need financial assistance, please reach out to your District Superintendent or the organization’s leaders. There are grants, subsidies and discounts that make access to resources possible. Here are a few resources you can access now:
Methodist Health EAP
** Check out the EAP (Employee Assistance Program) now available to TWK Clergy
The Living Well Network offers free depression/anxiety screenings: which includes the PHQ-9, the Patient Health Questionnaire’s 9 questions that ascertain a score based on frequency of experience of behaviors.
** Check out free online resources
Steal Away Women’s Ministry
“We reclaim Biblical principles that evoke awareness, inspire change, equip and empower with resources that lead to intentional wholistic living.” Rev. Dr. Paula Smith and her team hold workshops, retreats and more.
** Check out the new 30 Day Reset Challenge. Each week of the program focuses upon a different aspect of health and wellness – mindset, emotional, nutrition, and physical. Self-paced with video support.
*** Ecumenical Women’s Retreat, “What’s Love Got to Do with It?” Feb 5, 2022 at Scarritt Bennett.
The Art of Well-Being
Cultivating and Sustaining Positive Energy for Leadership Excellence. Rev. Dr. Vicki Johnson provides coaching in a cohort and individual setting. By the end of the course, participants are able to design a personalized WellBeing Action Plan (aka “Rule of Life for WellBeing”) that is specific and measurable, courageous and realistic. The result of small steps practiced over time creates a transformative path. Cohorts will “close” after 2nd session so you may register after Jan 13th if needed.
** Check out Jan 2022 Cohorts beginning Jan 13th and ending March 24th. TWK discount code = TWK22
Day 7
“We do not have to sacrifice ourselves, our health or our relationships; we can prioritize our health and still do our work well.”
Day 7 provides nonprofit and ministry staff with self-care resources in order to: alleviate burnout, promote individual and organizational health, and support a more effective and sustainable service community at large.
** Check out Sabbath 2022
Pastoral Center for Healing
PCH’s mission is “Creating sacred space for healing within broken communities, broken relationships and broken hearts”. Whether you are looking for 1:1 sessions, groups or workshops, this group is prepared to help you.
The Ecumenical Center for Clergy Spiritual Renewal currently accepting applicants for 2022
** Check out new cohort to begin July 2022
Please continue to watch the TWK Communications for opportunities and offerings centered around your well-being.