BOOK: Caring for Clergy: Understanding a Disconnected Network of Providers, by Austin and Comeau

Clergy Health Initiative - Since 2007 has gathered valuable data on mental, physical, and spiritual well-being specific to United Methodist clergy. Find physical, mental, and spiritual well-being practices, strategies that flourishing clergy use, protective factors against burnout and poor mental health, and practices to manage stress.

Clergy Well-being Survey - conducted by Wespath

CommonTable - network for clergy care providers. Past virtual gatherings include topics such as clergy resilience, clergy work-family conflict, and the church as frontline mental health providers.

Flourishing in Ministry - Birthed out of Dr. Matt Bloom and the University of Notre Dame; supports ministry leaders into daily wellbeing, resilience, thriving, and wellness.

BOOK: Rest is Resistance, Tricia Hersey

See additional resources on mental health, trauma.