On Monday, March 27, 2023, six people--three adults and three nine-year-old children--were killed in a mass shooting at The Covenant School in Nashville. The TWK Conference joins with the larger Nashville community in mourning these senseless deaths.
As United Methodists, we are people of prayer and action. Now is the time we must follow the leading of God's Spirit and take a stand on the side of human life and flourishing. We must join in the broader movement demanding gun reform--now!
To that end, Bishop McAlilly is calling on United Methodists throughout the Tennessee-Western Kentucky Conference to join together in a letter-writing campaign. We are writing our elected officials at the state and federal levels, advocating for swift and meaningful gun reform legislation to be passed.
Please let your voice be heard! Write letters and then let us know by filling out the form on this page. We are counting the many letters from TWK folks who take action to make a difference.
It is time to take action!
Below are several helpful tools on how to connect with your representatives. Tennessee is scheduled to have a Special Session to address gun safety on 8/21. State Representatives need to hear from you! Extreme Risk Protection Orders (ERPOs), Safe Storage and expanded background checks are a few of the orders. To better familiarize yourself with these items please read below under the section. We are grateful for your faithful participation.