August 2023
A few years ago, a generous benefactor created and endowed The Shepherd’s Fund to offer a safety net for retired clergy, their spouses (or widowers/widows), and disabled clergy and spouses. This godly lay servant felt that, after having faithfully served God and His people, retirees should not carry financial worries due to a medical need. The Shepherd’s Fund was established to provide a source of financial support. Retired clergy and their spouses can each receive a grant of up to $10,000 every 12 months to help with bills and other financial concerns related to many different types of health crises.
Most of our clergy did not earn the money others in the private sector earned over a lifetime. After retirement, some retirees have small savings and limited resources to help in the case of a crisis. Clergy who was able to set aside funds for their retirement years may be facing large medical expenses or have delayed paying other expenses due to paying for medical needs. Others simply find costs rising faster than their assets can cover. We do not want this to happen to our faithful servants. We want to make sure you are taken care of honorably in your latter years as a gift of gratitude, to honor you for your faithful service.
The Shepherd’s Fund provides a private, confidential way to do just that. Enclosed you will find a brochure with more information about the care offered to our retired clergy. The person in need or an immediate family member, may submit applications. The easiest way to apply is to go online to and register. Retirees only need to provide a brief explanation of the need. For assistance in completing your application, please do not hesitate to contact The Shepherd’s Fund office directly by email at or by phone at 706-221-7262.
When your application is received, The Shepherd’s Fund will quickly explore your need to ensure the best and proper use of the funds. The Shepherd’s Fund contracts with Helping Hands to process requests. Helping Hands is set up to receive and protect personal financial information and comply with all HIPPA rules concerning medical information. Once an application is submitted, someone from Helping Hands will contact the applying clergyperson/spouse.
You may be thinking “This is not really for me,” but that’s not so. While The Shepherd’s Fund wants to help those who are financially challenged, this aid is not restricted to such cases. You likely have dental, vision, and other medical expenses, which might qualify. Further, your use of these funds will not be taken away from anyone else. Allow The Shepherd’s Fund to bless you.
Please look at your expenses and complete an online application. Talk to fellow retirees. Help The Shepherd’s Fund get this money out on behalf of those who can benefit from it. May the Lord God multiply this money for the benefit of those who have cared for all of us.
Larry Davis, Conference Benefits Officer
Melinda Parker, Assistant Benefits Officer
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