Why am I a United Methodist? The people, Faith in Action, Women in ministry, Racial Justice, Knowledge and vital piety (John Wesley believed Christians can have both. Science and Faith can complement one another.) Living Spirit (I love that Methodists believe the Holy Spirit is a living presence and power. The Spirit of God dwells within us- all of us.), “Open Hearts, open minds, and open doors.”
Why I will stay United Methodist? The UMC is our Home, (countless warm memories and relational connections,), We don’t all think alike, (We are conservatives, moderates, and liberals who love to live and learn together.), We love the Cross and Flame, (it’s a symbol of Christian love and witness.), We value rural ministry and small membership churches., Women are vital Leaders in the UMC., We have important relationships with other denominations, other faith, and other countries., We value higher education and campus ministry., We do ministry beyond the local church that is important.