Our TWK Conference Church and Society Committee has been working to support and resource our congregations during this election season.  We know that voting is a way that we live out our call to love our neighbors and at the same time it can be difficult to navigate those boundaries between faith and politics.  One space we can find common ground is in praying together for our nation, our state, our elected officials, our neighbors, and ourselves as we, people called to reconciliation, live out our faith in this election season and after all the votes have been counted..

You are invited to pray with us on Election Day, November 5, 2024, virtually or in person for an Election Day Prayer Vigil. John Wesley, the founder of Methodism, wrote these words of wisdom for the voters of his day (back in 1774). He advised them “to vote, without fee or reward, for the person they judged most worthy, to speak no evil of the person they voted against, and to take care their spirits were not sharpened against those that voted on the other side.” Sage advice for us 250 years later!

So let us vote and pray that our spirits might remain grace filled and love oriented as we move forward in the nation we live.  There are several opportunities across the TWKUMC connection to pray, both virtually or in person, on November 5.

West TN/KY Locations

  • Christ UMC, Mayfield, KY  12-6 pm
  • Colonial Park UMC, Memphis, TN 9 am-3 pm
  • First UMC, Dyersburg, TN 11 am-2 pm

Middle TN Locations

  • South End UMC, Nashville, TN 11 am- 1 pm
  • First UMC, Pulaski, TN 8 am-4 pm
  • Belmont UMC, Nashville, TN 11 am-1 pm
  • Brentwood UMC, Brentwood, TN 7 am-7 pm (just added)

Virtual Prayer Vigil

Prayers are offered hourly online at westendumc.online.church  @West End UMC, Nashville, TN, 7 am-6 pm

Springfield First UMC Election Day Communion | 6 pm (Available Online)
Springfield First UMC (511 S. Oak St., Springfield, TN) is hosting a special Election Day communion service at 6:00 p.m. in their sanctuary and via the church’s Facebook and YouTube. Connect now

Further Resources:  Practicing Faith in the Real World: Jesus and Politics Study for small groups.