- For a self-nomination please complete the following link: Self-Nomination Form
- To recommend someone please complete this link: Recommendation Form
Recommendations and Self-Nomination Forms Now Available
By Rev. Dr. Rob Martin
The words to a familiar hymn of the church read, “I am the church; you are the church; we are the church together…the church is not a building, the church is not a steeple, the church is not a resting place, the church is the people. I am the church; you are the church;…”
It’s in your head now, right?
The truth of the matter is that the church IS the people. The very same can be said for “The (TWK) Conference.” The conference is not an administrative entity. It’s not a building or an office in Nashville. The Conference is us—all of us—United Methodists who live within the bounds of a geographical area working together to transform the world one neighborhood at a time. Simply, the conference is the people—lay and clergy—all of us together, you and me.
Therefore, the “work” of the conference is our shared work together. Just as the local church needs people to minister and serve together, the conference needs people too—people like you.
It takes many of us to do the work of the conference and the TWK Nominations Committee is requesting your help with identifying those who have gifts and a willingness to serve in the various ministries and teams of the conference.
There is no way a small group of people can know all the people resources available. That’s why we need “the Conference” to help.
The TWK Nomination Committee’s work is to identify persons for service on the various strategy and ministry teams of the conference. It is the hope that these persons are those who embrace the mission, vision, and values we have identified and affirmed as a conference while offering their own gifts of innovation, inspiration, and implementation to the work.
If you would like to offer yourself and your gifts, or would like to recommend someone else’s gifts for consideration by the Nominating Committee for service, please use the following links:
For a self-nomination please complete the following link: Self-Nomination Form
To recommend someone please complete this link: Recommendation Form
Please feel free to do both. We will be accepting these forms until February 1, 2024.
Thank you for your consideration and remember, “We are the Conference together…”