Last fall, Bishop McAlilly made the call for two special annual conference sessions, in May and in November, for the sole purpose of voting on disaffiliations. The last of these will be conducted online on Monday, November 13, at 7 p.m. The meeting will last about an hour and will be live-streamed from the conference website.
Materials to be voted on make up a Consent Agenda that is now available for voting members to review and prepare to vote.
Voting Details
Voting Codes will be sent via email to eligible clergy and laity from GNTV Voting System <>. They will utilize these codes to gain access to the Voting Platform. Those who cannot find their voting code can contact their district administrator or Joanna Newberry for assistance.
Online training for participating during the Zoom webinar and for voting is available via a tutorial video at the GNTV website. Live training sessions are no longer offered by GNTV.
Who Can Vote?
Those who were eligible to vote in the 2023 TWK Annual Conference in June are eligible to vote in the November conference unless:
- they have withdrawn their membership from the denomination.
- the church that elected them to serve was closed at that conference.
- they would rather the alternate elected to replace would serve in their place. (If so, please contact your district office to make that change.)
If you have any questions about your eligibility to vote, please contact the TWK Conference Secretary Monica Mowdy at
Monday, November 13, 2023
@ 7:00 p.m.
Live Stream for Public Viewing (Liturgy for the session is on this page)
CONSENT AGENDA (Includes Information from Disaffiliating Churches)
Online Portal for Voting Members
Voting Platform (Voting code needed)