United Methodist and partner ministries offer the following resources for you to consider for use in your church. The conference does not directly produce these materials.
1. The General Commission on Religion and Race – “Imago Dei – A Lenten Bible Study of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion”
2. Passion Play Information and Media Kit
The Passion Play: Living the Story of Christ’s Last Days is a resource created by Rev. Rob Fuquay, a UMC pastor in Indianapolis, that is based on the Oberammergau Passion Play in Germany, the longest-running Passion Play in the world that started because of a vow church members made during a vicious pandemic.
The small group DVD companion was filmed on location and features spectacular scenery of the village and surrounding Alpine regions along with interviews of Passion Play participants and residents of Oberammergau. This is a great resource for groups of all ages or can be used as an all-church experience. Please use the attached media information to learn all the ways to access information and related materials.
If your church or any groups in your congregation decide to use this resource and would like a personalized video greeting from Rev. Fuquay, contact him via this email address:Rob.Fuquay@stlukesumc.com.
3. Triptych Lent 2023: Daily Scripture, Reflection, and Prayer
In this year of Matthew, we are afforded the opportunity to reflect upon the Nativity through the Resurrection from a Jewish perspective. As we do each Lent, we will rehearse the teaching of Jesus about generosity, prayer and fasting. Through Matthew’s ‘lenses,’ we see Jesus as God’s anointed one, a great teacher in the manner of Moses, speaking with prophetic wisdom and authority. Let us move forward together immersed in the story’s movement toward Holy Week, including Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Holy Saturday – and finally, Easter! Find out more at fastpraygive.org/lent.