At the 2024 TWK Annual Conference, there will be many opportunities to connect with old friends and meet new ones! Keep reading for numerous opportunities to gather.
Music Meetup
The Music Meet-Up group will rehearse an anthem for our Conference’s closing worship at 5 pm on Monday in the choir room at First UMC Murfreesboro. Anyone is welcome to join! The Reverend Anne Hook will lead us.
Art Meetup
In Room 112, there will be a table set up with craft supplies. The crafting meetup group invites you to feel free to come by the table at any time this week to grab some art supplies to use while at Annual Conference. If you have supplies that you would like to add to the table for people to use and share, please bring them! If you’re new to crafting and want to try something new, we’ll have bookmarks and prayer square kits with which you can have fun!
There is no set time for our crafting meetup to gather. Instead, we encourage crafting throughout our time together — during breaks, meals, etc. Some of us are able to listen or engage better when we’re doing something with our hands, like yarning or doodling. If you can relate, feel free to bring your yarn, paper, or pencils and craft while you’re listening to the business of Annual Conference. We encourage you to keep your eyes open for other crafters, and sit together.
Please take photos of the projects you’re working on and post them on the Conference App (or email the photos to, and we’ll post them for you.). If you meet new friends while crafting at Annual Conference, take a selfie and again post them on the Conference App (or email us at the address above and we’ll post them for you).
Dinner Meetup
Need dinner plans? The shared-meal meetup group has you covered! At 5:30 pm on Monday and Tuesday of Annual Conference, anyone who is interested in grabbing a bite with new friends should meet in the Narthex of First United Methodist Church of Murfreesboro. Once in the Narthex, we’ll break up into smaller groups of 3-6 to go out to eat and get to know one another.
Board Game Meetup
From 6-7:30 on Monday evening of Annual Conference, join us in the Fellowship Hall at Murfreesboro First UMC for a time of fun and games. Please bring your favorite board game to share. If you know others who would like to join, please invite them!
College Student Gathering
Attention all college students, young adults, and campus ministry leaders! Join us on Monday evening for a College and Young Adult Community Night from 6-7:30 pm at the Wesley Foundation of MTSU. Come for food, fun, connection, and community. Wesley of MTSU is located at 216 College Heights, Murfreesboro, TN.
Biking/Running Meetup Group: Calling all cyclists and runners! Join the Biking and Running meetup group at 6:30 every morning of Annual Conference on the Murfreesboro Greenway. The group will meet daily at the Thompson Lane or Northern Trailhead, 3.5 miles from First UMC.
Walking Meetup Group: Attached (view the document containing more information here) you will find some suggested walking routes from the church. In addition, there’s a trail on the backside of the church property called Tami’s Trail, which is a 1/3 mile loop. The Walking Meetup Group encourages you to enjoy these walking paths as you are able. If you’d like to invite members of our meet-up group to join you, then please post in our Annual Conference App the time and place for folks to gather to walk. If you meet new friends while walking at Annual Conference, take a selfie together and post them on the Conference App (or email us at and we’ll post them for you). If you have any questions, please contact Erin Racine or Laura McMasters.
Questions? Contact the TWK Connect Team at