Mark Hagewood has been nominated to be the next Treasurer of the Tennessee-Western Kentucky Conference. The annual conference will vote to affirm this when the Council on Finance and Administration (CFA) makes its report to the body.

Mark most recently served as the Executive Director for Church Management at Belmont United Methodist Church in Nashville, where he had been for nine years.

Mark is a lifelong United Methodist who has spent his entire professional career serving United Methodist institutions in middle Tennessee, including eight local churches, the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry, the United Methodist Publishing House, and Martin Methodist College.

He has regularly attended the Annual Conference as a lay delegate, brought petitions to the floor, and led music for conference worship. He currently serves on the TWK Committee on Church & Society. He has attended multiple Jurisdictional and General Conferences and is familiar with the structure of the UMC and our Book of Discipline.

CFA is excited that Mark will bring his skills and ministry approach to the TWK Conference. He began working with the Office of Administrative Services in early June, and, upon election as Treasurer by the TWKUMC Annual Conference, will assume that title on July 1.