On Sunday, September 8, at Brentwood UMC, the TWK Conference held a welcome reception for Bishop David Graves and his wife, Nancy. The event was co-hosted by Brentwood UMC, the TWK Committee on Episcopacy, the TWK Connectional Table, the Cabinet, Conference Staff, and the TWK United Women in Faith.
Over the course of the two-hour reception, folks had the opportunity to meet with and talk to Bishop and Nancy Graves. Halfway through the event, a time of remarks was observed.
Near the conclusion of the event, Bishop Graves addressed those gathered and thanked Brentwood UMC and the TWK United Women in Faith for their gracious hospitality. During his remarks, Bishop Graves emphasized his eagerness to shift our collective focus upon the mission of our conference: to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.
“It is time for the church to stop looking backwards at division and forward to the Kingdom,” said Bishop Graves. “It’s time for the church to begin following the way of Jesus once more.”
Josh Shaw, a lay member from the Mississippi River District and member of both the TWK Connectional Table and the TWK General Conference Delegation, shared his experience of being Bishop Graves’ prayer partner in the weeks and months leading up to the Southeastern Jurisdictional Conference in July. He went on to emphasize the compatibility between our conference’s present reality and Bishop Graves’ gifts.
“Bishop Graves, we are eager for your spiritual insight and wisdom,” said Shaw. “We believe you are bringing an added voice of God’s presence among us that is intentional for this time. Bishop, your presence among us is a gift.”
Next, Rev. Bryan Brooks, the Franklin First UMC’s Senior Pastor and Chair of the TWK Committee on Episcopacy, presented Bishop and Nancy with several gifts, including a pair of Nashville Predators jerseys.
Rev. Pat Freudenthal, the Dean of the Cabinet, and Rev. Dr. Deborah Smith, the interim District Superintendent of the Metro District, sent greetings from the cabinet and presented gifts from each of the nine districts in the TWK Conference. They spoke about the heart of the conference’s mission.
“We are a conference that desires to live into God’s vision of the beloved community,” said Rev. Freudenthal. “We are not there yet, but we are on our way. The different areas of the TWK have beautiful expressions of culture and ministry. We have congregations that are ready to offer the love and grace of Jesus Christ to a hurting world one neighborhood at a time.”
The President of the TWK United Women in Faith, Meredith Bingham, welcomed Bishop and Nancy Graves to the conference and gave them seeds to plant as symbols of God’s faithfulness.
Rev. Jefferson Furtado, pastor of Hilldale UMC and Cohort District Superintendent for the TWK Board of Ordained Ministry, presented the Graves with TWK-logo jackets and other ministry gifts from the Connectional Table and staff. He emphasized how excited our conference is to welcome them into our TWK family.
The next day, the bishop began an onboarding process with different TWK groups that will continue across the conference throughout the next several months.
We are grateful to have Bishop Graves among us as our new episcopal leader, and we invite you to join us in praying for him as he helps guide our conference into this new season of ministry within the United Methodist Church.