By Kent McNish, Executive Director, ENCORE Ministry

“Pay it forward” is a phrase that is often used to encourage people to pay forward acts of kindness. The idea behind paying it forward is that when someone does something nice for someone else, that person will then do something nice for someone else, and so on, creating a chain of kindness that spreads throughout a community. The phrase can also be used to encourage people to help others and make the world a better place.

ENCORE Ministry Sunday is a special observance with offering traditionally taken on the second Sunday in September. This year, ENCORE Ministry Sunday is September 10. Of course, churches may take this special offering on any Sunday convenient to the congregation.

This year’s offering benefits the Bill and Lynn McAlilly Fund for Church Accessibility. The McAlilly Fund was announced at the inaugural meeting of the Tennessee-Western Kentucky Conference (TWK) with a gift of $500,000 from ENCORE Ministry and the McKendree Village Foundation. The goal of the Church Accessibility Fund is to raise $750,000 by September 1, 2024. The Fund will benefit churches that need financial matching grants to make buildings more accessible and user-friendly to older adults and persons with handicapping conditions.

ENCORE Ministry Chair Charles Hewgley said, “Bishop Bill McAlilly has been a powerful force for The United Methodist Church as the Nashville Area Episcopal leader. His example, courage, and team approach to leadership has been a shining light for transformation of the world one neighborhood at a time.” 

To show our appreciation for the ministry of Bishop and Lynn McAlilly to The United Methodist Church over the past 40 years, let the TWK churches pay it forward with a goal of $10 per person attending worship. This tangible way to show our appreciation for the McAlillys will help make TWK congregations truly accessible to all of God’s people.

For more information about ENCORE Ministry Sunday and to download a video and bulletin inserts, click here.