The following is a message from the TWK Church & Society team, urging churches to respond to the drug crisis sweeping the country, as well as asking churches already involved in ministry with those battling addiction to send the team an email briefly detailing their particular program or ministry:
“We commit ourselves to assisting those who suffer from abuse or dependence, and their families, in finding freedom through Jesus Christ and in finding good opportunities for treatment, for ongoing counseling, and for reintegration into society.”
Book Of Discipline Paragraph 162.L
These words were confirmed and affirmed by the General Conference of the United Methodist Church in an effort to establish our abhorrence for the evil and pain that chemical dependency and abuse play in the lives of God’s people, both in the church and in the world. We believe in the freedom that Christ offers each of us to be liberated from the pain of sin and sickness that bind us. We commit to finding ways to help our siblings in need to discover ways to escape the perils of addiction, crime, and mental heal emergencies.
Over 100,000 people died of drug overdose in the United States between April of 2020 and 2021. News Article:
Our call as people called Methodists includes finding ways that we can support our siblings who struggle with addictions and to remind them of the hope that is found through the truth of the gospel message of Jesus Christ. Let us find ways to support agencies and organizations that support addiction recovery, mental health, and safe and accessible paths to returning to normal societal living on the other side of recovery. Our congregations and members can be safe spaces for all of God’s people to encounter and experience the radical, life-saving freedom that comes in knowing Christ and surrendering to the great physician for our total healing.
TWK Church and Society would love to compile a list of local churches that offer services or programs centered on recovery, accountability, and healing. If your congregation offers groups for AA, NA, Al-Anon, Celebrate Recovery, Etc. please email a brief explanation, including meeting times, location, contact information, etc to Our hope is that we can compile a list to help to resource our lay and clergy members to be connected with chances for recovery, healing, and restoration. Together, we pray that we can erase the stigmas surrounding addiction, trauma, and sickness as we seek to help all people to be restored and redeemed through the power of God’s grace and group discipleship, and mutual accountability!