Elected by 2023 Annual Conference on June 21:
Holly Neal
John Pearce
The 2023 TWK Annual Conference will elect lay delegates to fill two vacancies in the 2020 Jurisdictional Delegation who will attend the Southeastern Jurisdictional Conferences next year.
The 2020 General and Jurisdictional Delegation, with reserves, was elected in 2019 for each of the legacy Memphis and Tennessee annual conferences. These delegations were to serve to represent their annual conferences at the 2020 General Conference and the Southeastern Jurisdictional Conference. However, due to the pandemic and travel restrictions, the conferences will not be held until 2024. (Click here to view current delegation)
In March the Judicial Council ruled that replacements for the delegate vacancies due to death or resignations can be elected. After moving the remaining reserve delegates up, we have two lay delegate vacancies that will need to be filled via election at the TWK Annual Conference in June 2023.
These delegates will be elected from the whole of the TWK Conference laity and voted on by the whole of the TWK Conference laity. All Lay Voting Members of the 2023 TWK annual conference may vote for these delegates in June.
Click on the names below for the photos and responses to application questions from each candidate. All agree to fulfill responsibilities for this position if elected. The conference secretary has checked the eligibility for each applicant.